Consistent runner

You have a choice… keep on doing what you have always been doing, and get what you’ve always gotten (or join hypno-running) and experience the benefits of running based mental tools. The choice is yours but here is several reasons why joining is better…

If you are looking for consistency, that ability to feel proud of running regularly. No more thinking of the next excuse why you couldn’t go for a run. Why another training session got skipped.

Consistent runner

No more looking at your neighbour going out for his morning run and you just can’t make the time effort or find the willpower to go out.

What does he or she have that you don’t?

I can tell you… you want to know the secret?

Those runners’, they have two things going for them….

1. A process in place

2. A certain image in their mind

So hang on… what image?

What process?

Let me explain. That neighbour of yours… who goes out for a run, no matter what the weather is like… he has such a powerful procedure that he follows, that no matter WHAT events happen outside, his process overrides those factors.

Sounds complicated?

Want to stop reading? Rather not, it gets easier from here onwards, promise! Its like anything you start to do really. The process of learning to brush your teeth. Guess not many kids like that… but a few visits to the dentist later. And voila… The tooth brushing experience gets downgraded to a subconscious activity.

Ah, and now the second part… the image.

This is the biggest part of the secret. The image YOU have of yourself as a runner. Look, if you are fed up of being a slow middle of the pack runner, then you will not be able to generate a positive mental picture in your mind.

Phew, all this negativity is getting me down… lets move to some solution shall we…

So in order to become a consistent runner, you need to re program your brain. Yes, re-program it with a procedure that will ensure you make the run a priority. Like brushing your teeth.

Step two, you need to work on your image that you have of yourself as a runner.

Sadly these things are not archived by a short blog post, or YouTube video. Even less a running magazine (sorry). This is a skill that needs to be learnt, and will benefit many other areas of your life too.

Easiest way to do this is with Hypnosis. No, not by going to your local Hypnotherapist that has never run in his life and specialises on eating disorders.

Selecet a Hypno-Running program that designed full of scientifically proven methods, by experienced runners’ and hypnotherapist.

Now if that doesn’t sound like a bargain… You have a choice… keep on doing what you have always been doing, and get what you’ve always gotten or join Hypno-running and experience the benefits of running based mental tools.

The choice is yours but here is several reasons why joining is better…

– learning to re program your attitude towards running.

– Using self-hypnosis to make that change

Till next time. Take it easy…


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